Zelena Istra je u okviru međunarodnog projekta SOIL4LIFE zadužena za organizaciju seminara u pet europskih država. Seminari uživo su se zbog pandemije morali pretvoriti u webinare ili zoom konferencije, što je za posljedicu imalo daleko veći broj sudionika od planiranog broja. Do sada smo webinare o stanju tla i nužnosti njegove zaštite putem europske direktive o tlu organizirali u Hrvatskoj, Grčkoj i Kataloniji. Četvrti webinar za njemačke dionike organiziran je u suradnji s organizacijom Slow food Deutschland u petak 14. siječnja 2022. u trajanju od 10 do 12 sati.
Konferencija će se održati preko Zoom platforme na njemačkom jeziku uz osigurani prijevod na engleski jezik, a registrirati se možete na sljedećoj poveznici:
Program možete pronaći u prilogu, a ovo je pozivnica od strane organizacije Slow Food Germany:
According to estimates by the EU-Commission 60 to 70% of Europe's soils are not in good condition. Soil degradation causes costs of 50 billion euros per year in the EU. Even worse, soil degredation endangers the food security of future generations. There is no doubt: Europe needs a sustainable soil policy!
The Commission proposal for a European Soil Strategy, published in November 2021, presents a "Soil Pact for Europe", including binding rules on the protection of soil health, more sustainable agricultural practices and limitations of land use. It also underlines the need for a legally binding framework for a sustainable food system in the EU.
In our next Berlin Political Workshop on the Future of Food, Slow Food Germany and the World Food Institute invite you to discuss the opportunities for the conservation and sustainable use of soil in the EU together with scientists, representatives of the EU Commission, the European Parliament and civil society organisations.
Keynote speeches will be given by Dr. Andrea Beste, Office for Soil Protection & Organic Agriculture, by Mirco Barbero, policy officer of DG ENV (EU Commission) for Soil Protection and Sustainable Land Use, and by Damiano di Simine, Legambiente & Soil4Life.
These inputs from experts will be followed by a discussion with Members of the European Parliament:
- Martin Häusling, Greens / European Free Alliance.
- Marlene Mortler, European People's Party
- Maria Noichl, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
Moderation: Tanja Busse, journalist and author
Our workshop on sustainable and fair land use in the EU is funded by the Soil4Life project. English interpretation will be provided.
Please register for the discussion until 12/01/2022 on this page. You will receive the access data for the event on 13/01 by e-mail.
Slow Food Deutschland e. V.