We announce that the guide on sustainability and the fight against waste in consumption, created as part of the SAVE&GAME project, is now ready for download!
The guide is available in four different languages - English, Italian, Croatian and French! You can find it at the link: https://saveandgame.eu/index.php/ressources/
It is explained in the guide:
- What damage overproduction does to natural resources and biodiversity.
- Impact of overproduction on climate change and global warming.
- Why it's important to rethink your shopping habits and support sustainable alternatives.
- How individuals and communities can work together to protect the environment for future generations.
The main goal of the Save&Game project is to raise the awareness of young people and youth workers about environmental challenges, to show them through the game the value of co-responsibility, and to promote scientific citizenship and green skills.
Statistics show that the number of young people who are familiar with the topics of sustainability and climate change varies between European countries. Not everyone has the opportunity to receive environmental education and sustainability competence at school or within their household.
Education is the key that will empower young people for concrete actions. This is what the Save & Game project aims to achieve.
The project will help young people become spokespersons for sustainability in their communities by showing how sustainability can generate well-being.
All materials will be tested by young people and youthworkers. Partners will consider their feedback, advice and recommendations to ensure that the developed resources are valuable to their future users.
Project coordinator: Green Istra Association
Logopsycom (Belgium)
Mystery Tour (Italy)
The Save&Game project is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union, and will be implemented from January 2023 to January 2024. This post and the content of the project reflect the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.
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