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Nina Brnić

26. 04. 2023.

Inclusive DIY birdhouse workshop in Repair cafe Re-Geppetto

The DIY inclusive birdhouse workshop was a success! The two-hour workshop organized by Zelena Istra was led by our Re-Geppetto manager Marko Grbac Knapić. The workshop took place in the Re-Geppetto repair cafe in Pula where participants learned how to make a  birdhouse from reused pallets, a place where our feathered friends can build their nests and be protected from bad weather and unwanted guests. The workshop was adapted to people with disabilities and children with disabilities in such a way that they had all the conditions to actively participate in the workshop, and they also had an advantage when registering.

The workshop started with a simple introduction where we explained not only that the houses are a beautiful decoration, but also why they are important, what is the easiest way to build them, and what the tree bark used in the construction are actually for. Due to the destruction of their natural habitats, birds lack places for nesting. By demolishing old trees and rebuilding houses, the natural hollows used by birds to build their nests disappear. Therefore, by building simple wooden birdhouses, we provide the birds with an ideal place for the most important annual activity - laying the eggs and feeding the young. In the workshop, participants drilled, glued and assembled the houses, and with the help of tree bark, made them attractive for their future residents. The birdhouses will be placed in the Community Garden Gregovica during the volunteer actions that Zelena Istra is going to organize in May. Once the birds inhabit the houses, their song will add to the beauty of the sensory garden designed for the gentle stimulation of the users' senses. By installing these simple wooden houses, we're helping the survival of birds in this urban environment.

This workshop was organized as part of the "Communities go circular" project, which is financed by EU funds,  in the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values program (CERV). Find more information about the "Communities Go Circular" project here: https://www.zelena-istra.hr/en/articles/none-2/901/none/

#CERV #communitiesgocircular #reuse #repair #zerowaste #re-geppetto

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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