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Andrea Ivančić

Eco Quest - Narrative Video Game on Climate Change

As part of the ERASMUS+ program, the EcoQuest project was launched on the topic of climate change. 

The 2022 European Commission report “Education for environmental sustainability” revealed that young people see environmental challenges as urgent, personal, and inspiring. But despite their high awareness of climate change and the need for action to address it, they feel helpless due to the overwhelming scale of the issue and often think they cannot do much at their level.

Today, the educational value of video games is well-identified and recognised in many pedagogical contexts. However, educational games sometimes forget to be fun and engaging and famous games that can contribute to environmental action aren’t conceived as educational resources and lack applicability for youth workers. Furthermore, not everyone is familiar with gamification, and with the rise of technological transformation, the barrier to digital literacy must be tackled in education.

The Eco Quest - Narrative Video Game on Climate Change project aims to improve education on green transition and sustainable development by creating a narrative video game to teach about climate change, EU green policies, and how young people can have an active role. Through simple, interactive and immersive gameplay, this game will be accessible to all learners and will connect its educational approach to European programmes through a pedagogical guide and supporting learning activities for teachers and trainers to reap the full benefits of our initiative.

Project results:

  • A pedagogical guide to help youth workers understand the valuable links between green education, game-based learning and video games.
  • A narrative video game to teach about climate change to increase the engagement of youngsters and provide them with a game-based and learning-by-experience approach to green education.
  • A series of 8 supporting learning activities to provide guidance and support to trainers to implement the results of this project within their practice.

Project web page

Project coordinator: Európsky Dialóg – European Dialogue (Trnava, Slovakia)                                                                                                                                                                         

Project partners:

  • SCS LogoPsyCom (Mons, Belgium)
  • YuzuPulse (Tourcoing, France)
  • Udruga Zelena Istra - Association Green Istria (Pula, Croatia)

Duration of the project:

From April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 

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