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Andrea Ivančić

09. 05. 2024.

A new Erasmus+ project has started! Learn more about the Eco Quest project

Eco Quest - Narrative Video Game on Climate Change

Climate change is a critical issue that requires urgent and active involvement, but many see it as too big to handle with limited means and at their scale. While the topic has been tackled in education for a long time, young people tend to seek less traditional ways to address it, such as through social media activism, where most express how important and personal that concern is.

In this ever-evolving era, innovative resources are increasingly in demand, and youth workers greatly benefit from exploring alternative methods and digitalised tools to keep their practice engaging and relevant to current needs, but not many resources are curated for educational settings or provide necessary guidance for educators with limited means or poor digital literacy. 

With this project, we aim to improve education for green transition and sustainable development with inclusive and innovative resources focused on an interactive and entertaining tool: a narrative video game in which the players will be the actors of a story about climate change and eco-responsibility. 

By offering resources designed specifically for youth workers to adapt and implement in class, we will promote digital innovation in environmental education and give access to high-quality, ready-to-use, adapted and adaptable material that fits European recommendations. This way, youngsters and educators will be given the opportunity to improve not only their involvement in environmental responsibility but also their digital literacy and skills.

In addition to the video game, we will also create a pedagogical guide to accompany trainers and educators through the potential links between green education and game-based learning, along with supporting learning activities to introduce or exploit the game in class and make the most of its content, concept and impact. 

Teachers and students across Europe will test all the materials, and pedagogy specialists will provide feedback. The partnership will use their advice to enrich and refine the materials to better meet the stakeholders' needs. We aim to create high-quality content that elevates the skills of those who support others’ education.

Check the project web page to stay informed about our resources and research!

Read more about the project.

Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 


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